Ultimate Comics X: Origins

Ultimate Comics X: Origins - Jeph Loeb, Art Adams

Loeb is slowly showing me he can create a narrative without shitting all over everything I once liked about the characters he uses. Yay! And he's showing me that the story can even reach the low bar of coherency that I expect from my superhero comics.

I guess I'm having a hard time saying this...but, good job Jeph. You didn't fuck up.

The X-Men were the reason I started reading Ultimate Comics in the first place. 'Ultimate X' is a good introduction to how a team of young mutants (not necessarily the X-Men) can come together after the events of 'Ultimatum' and the deaths of practically everybody.

Lil' Wolverine (as if that's a spoiler, the dude has claws coming out of his fists) is essentially the only new character, but because the situation has become so much worse for mutants that even known characters feel completely new.


Ultimate Marvel


Next: 'Ultimate Comics Hawkeye' (Which I haven't read yet, as of August 2018 when I re-linked all of my reviews)


Previous: 'Ultimate Comics X-Men: Reborn'