Halloween Bingo 2018 - Cryptozoologist

Oblivion Song - Robert Kirkman, Lorenzo De Felici

'Oblivion Song, Chapter 1' by Robert Kirkman and Lorenzo De Felici


I don't know why I chose the shortest possible book for my Bingo pre-read, but there you go.


'Oblivion Song' is a new comic series by Robert Kirkman ('Walking Dead') that puts us in Philadelphia ten years after an unexplained phenomena wiped out a huge portion of the city, replacing it with horrific monsters and alien vegetation. 300,000 people vanished with the land. The monsters were defeated and the plants died, leaving a barren wasteland that the government built a wall around as a precaution.


It was soon discovered that the 300,000 were not dead, they were somewhere else. A scientist, driven by the loss of his brother, figured out the frequency to go to that other place and endeavored to bring back as many people as he could find. The government supported him and his team, but after many years, have shut down the program. Nathan Cole refuses to give up on his brother, making solo expeditions to Oblivion, avoiding the deadly creatures and rescuing those he finds.


The art is vivid, and the story hooked me right in. This is a promising start to a great series.


Oblivion Song


Next: ?



While 'Oblivion Song' hasn't gotten into the biology of the creatures of the zone, Nathan Cole expresses compassion for them, even objecting to their being killed out of hand. The alien landscape and its native inhabitants is an essential part of the series.