Portrait of Skipper by Ellen Lenhart

Portrait of Skipper - Claudine Nankivel, Ellen Lenhart

This picture book follows Skipper on her adventures from Halloween to Christmas.A fortune-teller predicts that "something wonderful" is in store for her future, what could it be?


While their parents are off in Europe for, I don't know, forever, Barbie is tasked for looking after Skipper. This seems to be a painless affair, especially since there's a woman who looks in every now and then to help with the shopping and the "usual" chores. Though elements of this storybook are blantant propaganda for the toy line, this book works better as a story about a young girl and as a marketing tool than 'Happy-Go-Lucky Skipper', which came out a year later and made no attempt to expand upon, or even work with, the story crafted for the toy..


I especially liked the numerous illustrations that detail pretty much every outfit available to Skipper in 1964. Never mock synergy, Lemon. Skipper even receives some dolls in international costume that suspiciously look like....you guessed it: