Fables, Vol. 4: March of the Wooden Soldiers

'Fables' hooked me early on, but this is where the story really took off. There is upset in the community with Prince Charming gaining ground in his campaign against King Cole. There is good news, however. Red Riding Hood, not seen since the last ship departed the homelands for Earth 200~ years previously, has made a miraculous escape from the Adversary and turned up in Fabletown requesting sanctuary. Red could have valuable information about what the Adversary has been up to in the last 200 years, but Red might not be who she appears to be. Her arrival divides the Fables and raises questions about the Adversary's capabilities and leads to some clues as to his identity.
One-note joke characters begin to show real potential: the Frog Prince, Beauty & Beast, the Witch of Black Forest (Frau Totenkinder!) and Pinocchio especially shine. There will always be room for jokes about the premise of this series, but how the community as a whole function starts becoming believable.
Previous: 'Fables, Vol. 3: Storybook Love'
Next: 'Fables, Vol. 5: The Mean Seasons'