The Fifth Elephant (Discworld, #24)

The Fifth Elephant (Discworld, #24) - Terry Pratchett

Here is where it all began for me, my first Discworld novel.

I had been having a dull summer staying at a friend's house in Massachusetts, his idea of fun was watching anime all day, so I ended up wandering aimlessly through the town library. A librarian, seeing myself at a loss, asked what it was that I liked to read. Hearing the word fantasy she grabbed this book off the shelf.

It is rather late in the story of Samuel Vimes and much of the characters took some getting used to, but I was hooked. The library had only a couple of Pratchett books but I read them all that summer.

I read six or seven Discworld novels piece-meal until I came up with the idea to purchase and read the whole series in publishing order, one by one. Five years later and many digressions aside I have finally come back to the start, the book is good, offering great development of Lady Sybil and dwarf culture.




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