Concrete, Volume 4: Killer Smile

'Killer Smile' is a perfect thriller: the stakes are high and the characters are all human. Larry Munro, after some harmless if condescending flirting, finds himself held hostage by a sociopath and his girlfriend. Paul Chadwick covers a lot of ground with 'Concrete', but this is the first time I was turning pages as fast as I could comprehend the spreads. I had to read it through again to take in the subtlety of the composition.
Larry is in many ways the kind of man Concrete wishes he had been and could be, a hapless womanizer with literary pretensions enjoying the life he's created for himself. I've always been a bit jealous of him for Concrete's sake. He's always been a good counterpoint to Concrete's seriousness and Maureen's detachment. The situation of 'Killer Smile' is something that could happen to anyone.
Next: 'Concrete, Vol. 5: Think Like a Mountain'
Previous: 'Concrete, Vol. 3: Fragile Creature'