The Invisibles, Vol. 4: Bloody Hell in America

The Invisibles, Vol. 4: Bloody Hell in America - Grant Morrison, John Stokes, Phil Jimenez

I could say I read 'Bloody Hell in America' before 'Say You Want a Revolution' out of some tribute to chaos and refusal to submit to chronological tyranny, but in truth it was on top of the stack.

Here's the rough idea - the Invisibles are a group of people fighting against a sinister outside force that wishes to project total conformity onto the world, which pretty much works out to be total annihilation. The Invisibles are rarely more than one step ahead at any given moment and must use the most unorthodox methods possible to succeed. Insert a lot of psycho-mumbo-jumbo and conspiracy theories and you have it.

I'd never read any Grant Morrison before, which is weird when I think about it, but I think I get the general idea behind his work. Its not subtle. I liked it, and spoiler alert, I liked 'Bloody Hell' better than 'Revolution'. There were plenty of digressions here, fan-service nudity and "far-out" use of drugs, conspiratorial stoner conversations and dated references, but the story was tighter and the villains more sinister.

With only four issues to go on I didn't get much development out of a lot of the characters, Boy and Frost in particular. Still, if I stumble across any more collections of this I'll read them.




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