Searching for Dragons

In the second installment of 'The Enchanted Forest Chronicle' (written third (details)) the young King of the Enchanted Forest, Mendenbar, has discovered something suspicious in his kingdom, and, suspecting the Wizards, must discuss it with the King of Dragons. The problem is, Kazul has gone missing.
Mendenbar and Cimorene, who has lately been promoted from 'Princess' to 'Chief Cook and Librarian', must set out together and discover who took Kazul and work out how they're going to get her back. The consequences could be serious, and extend far beyond their two kingdoms.
Wrede adds more details to her world and brings us closer to the situation she originally created in 'Talking to Dragons'. It had a fun plot, with a visit to the giants, a dwarf tired of the spinning straw to gold racket, and introduces Telemain, that most technical of magic users.
Enchanted Forest Chronicles
Next: 'Calling on Dragons'
Previous: 'Dealing with Dragons'