The Forgotten, Animorphs #11

When Tobias observes a crashed Yeerk spacecraft, and the team discovers it's still capable of flight, the Animorphs decide its a perfect opportunity to show the world what it's up against. Jake has some reservations, but the plan would end the problem of secrecy they've been up against. He has been troubled by bizarre visions of the jungle, but he's reluctant to talk about it with the others.
The group goes after the ship, but getting past security, into a Yeerk spacecraft and then piloting it to the White House isn't as easy as they expect.
I've seen some reviews expressing that this isn't a strong Animorphs book, that the plot holes are huge, time travel is problematic, and the story doesn't carry off Jake's characterization that well.
I disagree, I thought it was bizarre, awesome and a whole lot of fun. It's the RAIN FOREST, people! I also love science fiction science, the goofier the better, so this was a perfect fit.
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